Into a new dimension called Neo Transparent

The pursuit was the Attack Response

Overview Into a new dimension called Neo Transparent
Price $288 usd
JAN code 4589742985050
Model Number DYNAX002

Neo Transparent Performance

Various effects pedal manufacturers are now releasing drive pedals that are knowned as "transparent”. Transparent overdrive means a drive pedal that allows you to feel the guitar's original sound and the touch of fingering even in a distorted sound, with subtle changes in sound quality to the original sound.
The DIVA overdrive was completed after an enormous amount of time spent hand-selecting components to raise its transparent performance to the next level.
DYNAX refers to its performance quality as "NEO TRANSPARENT”.

What we pursued was the attack response

This is the fundamentals of the DIVA overdrive, which is also the reason why “Made By DYNAX” represents true masterpieces.
Effects pedals specify standards and values with the components (ICs, capacitors, resistors, wiring, etc.) that configure the circuit design. For example, if a capacitor has a value of 0.1uf in one location, there are many capacitors of the same value available for this location, each of which has its unique sonic characteristics. Similarly, the sound range of a 10kΩ resistor varies depending on whether it is a vintage resistor, a production resistor, a carbon resistor, or a metal film resistor.
Furthermore, wiring materials, solder, and op-amp ICs make a big difference.

An important element: Operational amplifier ICs.

One of the most time-consuming steps in the DIVA overdrive development was the selection of an operational amplifier. An op-amp is an important component that amplifies the signal and feeds to the next section in the circuit. The TL071/072 and 4558 op-amps used in many overdrives and effects pedals do not have the same range, tone, or sound pressure.
The DIVA Drives only use ICs that are carefully verified and narrowed down out of "almost all ICs in the market that can be used in overdrive configurations".

As mentioned above, operational amplifier ICs vary in “Attack Response” and the range depending on the "nature of the specifications of each IC itself”. The TL072 has a familiar sound, but we classify it as an IC with excessive latency. Latency refers to the travel time it takes from the point of picking to the actual output as a sound.
The lower latency results in faster sound output.

There is a difference between vintage or Dumble amps and today's amps in "Attack Response". Especially with custom hand-made amplifiers, we believe that each component in the circuit has its purpose for being installed in the circuit, and such ideas matter when it comes to creating a wonderful sense of speed and range. The same theory applies exactly to the effectors.

We have achieved an "Attack Response" that is far superior to other drive pedals by employing an op-amp IC of our choice. Why do we care about "Attack Response"?
The answer is very simple.

This is because drive pedals are normally plugged at the top of the effects array. The quality of the effects pedals at the top determines the "direction of entire sounds" including the rest of the effects pedals. That is why we insist on neo-transparent performance, which we believe is important in combining the following two important factors, "transparent performance that does not color the original sound" and "performance that achieves low latency similar to that of a direct amplifier".

Reasons for selection and placement of components

As we mentioned all the parts that configure a circuit are "carefully selected" for a reason, every capacitor, resistor, diode, etc. to form the DIVA Overdrive has an important role. Capacitors are used for coupling, decoupling, and filtering. We select vintage ceramic capacitors out of hundreds of capacitors of the same value, based on their frequency response, and judgment by our ears, which only meet our tolerance specification.

Electrolytic capacitors are also generally considered "irrelevant to the sound", but that is a false perception. Electrolytic capacitors are also unique to each manufacturer, and their range varies depending on the breakdown voltage. DIVA overdrive uses Jovial UTSJ capacitors for their durability, stability, and sound quality.

As for the resistance, some advocate that "the resistance does not affect the sound," but it does matter significantly. Depending on the position where the resistor is placed, it can affect the variable rates of the components in the preceding and following orders. DYNAX selects resistors as important components just like shields and pickups.

Each component has its unique characteristics, and we determine whether it is appropriate for the DIVA components based on our understanding of these characteristics. The DIVA overdrive was finalized after countless tests, taking into consideration of the effects on the sound depending on the position where they are placed.

Low Gain and 3 Knob Style

The meaning of the existence of overdrive. With this in mind, "the Low Gain and 3 Knob DIVA was created.
What is the original overdrive? This was the first theme we came up with when we launched the DIVA project. Recently, various companies have released a variety of overdrive pedals. Some products have overdrive that distorts exactly like the reputable amp brands with a single drive pedal, some overwhelm a full range of EQ, some have variable clipping, some others have Delay, Reverb, and modulation effects, as well as many other multifunctional features.
All these products have unique characteristics and sound great. However, …

They are all quite different from our definition of the overdrive.

This is how Diva started. Back then, the theory of guitar drive sound was to get a sense of saturation by playing a non-distorted amp head or combo amp at high volume. When saturation alone was not enough, overdrive and fuzz were used to achieve an additional distortion, which pushed the limit of distortion from the amp even higher. The expression term, "push the amp" is currently used to describe this usage of a drive pedal.
We started designing Diva based on what we believe is fundamental to the overdrive.

All Hand Wiring

All Diva components are hand-wired and assembled at DYNAX site. The reason originates from the fact that Diva has many vintage capacitors and resistors in combination. Moreover, for the main wiring connection from the switch to the jack, a specific product from the 1950s was adopted and installed. Most vintage products have corroded leads due to their age, which significantly makes a difference sound-wise by removing and re-soldering them properly.

Similar to the above description of electrical fields, lead corrosion is commonly considered "electrically unaffected," but we believe it has a significant effect sound-wise. For this reason, a lot of work is required when using vintage materials. If we outsource "that part" of the work to someone or other companies, can they maintain the same demanding quality? We always question, "Can they maintain the same quality level we offer?” That is why we do all hand-wiring and building at our site.
Of course, we care about solder materials and select out of intense testing from vintage to up-to-date materials. We also consider the durability and signal-feeding aspects of the soldering work during building as well.

Not only as a drive pedal

Positioned as an overdrive pedal, Diva is composed of low-gain components that minimize the sound quality change in response to the input signal from the guitar. It is also an excellent clean booster.

As a clean booster
With only three simple knobs, Diva can be used as a booth pedal with little change in sound quality. By setting the Diva's Vol from 12 to 16 o'clock, Gain from min to 9 o'clock, and Tone from 14 o'clock to Max, it is effective as a boost to the drive feel directly through the amp, or as a boost for a drive pedal connected to the rear stage of the Diva.

It can also create a pleasant clean
The clean tones of tube amps are "slightly distorted" and characteristic of the amps, but clean direct from the amp is difficult to control the attack, and each string can become uncoordinated in volume.
By setting the Diva's Vol and Gain around 9 to 12 o'clock and the Tone to your preference, you can create a cohesive sound that is pleasing to the ear with a slight distortion added to the amp's clean sound.
The output sound is well matched to arpeggios, chord strokes, and lead playing, and can be used in a variety of genres.

Third party boosters are also effective
When creating a sound with Diva by itself, you may want to increase the amount of Gain a little more or boost it in the lead part. In this case, a third-party booster pedal placed in front of Diva can be effective. Boosters should be selected carefully, as some products from different manufacturers can cause significant changes in sound quality.


    Diva Over Drive Q&A

  • What does Diva mean?
    Diva is sometimes used to main character, We named it Diva, meaning "the main actor = the root of sound making.
  • The power supply is 9VDC-18VDC, which do you recommend?
    We recommend 9VDC. When using 18VDC, there is often an effect such as "the sound becomes more energetic" or "the range becomes clearer". However, in the case of Diva, using 18VDC will increase the entire range and make it difficult to express nuance.
    However, depending on the sound you want to make and the genre of music you want to play Style, 18VDC may be a better match.
  • Are 9V batteries available?
    The 9V battery cannot be stored inside the enclosure.
  • I would like to increase the Diva gain a little.
    If you feel the gain is too low, insert a booster in front of Diva. However, some boosters can change the sound just by connecting them, so please choose your booster carefully.

  • Have you tried DYNAX IR yet?

  • Our CAB IR quality has received rave reviews. Even guitarists and engineers utilize it.
    Its sense of presence and range transcends other IR qualities. Samples are now available for download, so check it out with your own ears.
    Download links are provided on each IR page.



Input Impedance 1MΩ
Control Vo / Tone / Gain
Power 9VDC- 18VDC Center -
Current consumption 20mA
Size 112(W)×60(D)×33.5(H)mm
Weight 249g
Accessories Warranty
